sloane bennett
You can forget who you are,
or you can be who you want to be.
That's why you stay.
You stay for a second chance.
From before she was even born, Sloane Bennett was destined to have a difficult life. Her mother, Christine Sloane, was only seventeen years old when she met her father, Aiden Bennett. He was thirteen years older, handsome, charismatic, and a low-level criminal that worked for the Connolly Gang, an Irish mob group in South Boston. They had been dating for almost a year, although Aiden had several girlfriends on the side, when Christine discovered she was pregnant. The two married soon after in a small ceremony at city hall with only Christine's disapproving mother there as a witness. On November 8, 1991, Sloane Maureen Bennett, the only child Aiden and Christine would have together, was born.

Her childhood was not an easy one. Her father was in and out of jail most of her life and when he was around, he wasn't exactly a model parent. He spent most of his time carrying on affairs with other women, drinking, and committing whatever crimes the Connelly Gang needed. Her mother took him back time and time again, hoping that something would cause him to change but it never happened. When Sloane was twelve years old, her father was arrested and convicted of murdering two members of another South Boston crime family. He was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. It was the final straw for her mother and she filed for divorce the day after he was arrested.

From then on, it was just the two of them. Her mother had put herself through nursing school after one of her father's earlier arrests and supported the family as an emergency room nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital. She worked long, unpredictable hours and Sloane was often left to fend for herself. It would shape her into an extremely capable, independent young woman. She had an intense desire to be more than her parents - more than some mob lackey and more than a pregnant teenager - but Sloane was one part overachiever and one part rebellious. She did well in school but had little respect for authority figures, especially her teachers, and hung out with an older crowd that, while not criminals, had no real aspirations outside of partying.

History would repeat itself the summer before Sloane was supposed to begin college at Boston University when one night with her boyfriend and a broken condom resulted in a pregnancy. She was at a crossroad, the same crossroad her mother had been at nineteen years earlier, but she made a very different decision. Instead of raising the child like her mother had done or putting it up for adoption, Sloane had an abortion. It was a decision that she never regretted but would shape the rest of her life.

She became much more focused and made the decision to major in Criminal Justice. After watching her father ruin so many lives, Sloane wanted to help people and imagined herself eventually becoming a lawyer or police officer. Once she received her undergraduate degree, she would go on to earn a Master of Criminal Justice and was eventually accepted to law school at Boston University. Sloane is currently in her last year of law school and with graduation looming ahead, she is considering her future career opportunities - hoping to work in the district attorney's office where she can put away criminals like her father.
⤑ name sloane maureen bennett ⤑ comicverse stephanie brown / spoiler ⤑ date of birth + age november 8, 1990 + 27 ⤑ birthplace boston, massachusetts ⤑ current residence boston, massachusetts ⤑ occupation law student at boston
⤑ relationship status single ⤑ personality Scorpio / ESTJ / Type 8 ⤑ pets hans gruber
Stephanie Brown, alias Spoiler, is the daughter of Arthur Brown, a Gotham City villain known as the Cluemaster. Her father was often in prison or away from his family, leaving Stephanie and her mother to have to fend for themselves. When her father returned to Gotham claiming to be rehabilitated, Stephanie was furious to discover that he quickly returned to a life of crime. She donned a costume, using the alias Spoiler, and left clues for the police and Batman so they could find him and stop him. She continued to fight crime as the Spoiler, training with both Batman and the Birds of Prey. After Tim Drake hung up his cape to live a normal life, Stephanie briefly replaced him as Robin until she was thought to be killed by the Black Mask. She would return to Gotham as Spoiler when she revealed that she hadn't been killed, only severely wounded, and faked her death to recover in Africa. She would become Batgirl briefly when Cassandra Cain passed her costume on to Stephanie after Bruce Wayne's apparent death. Eventually reverting back to her original alias Spoiler, Stephanie struggled to balance the life of college student and vigilante as she protected those in Gotham that couldn't protect themselves.

comic parallels same initials • Sloane Bennett has the same initials as her counterpart, Stephanie Brown.

family • Both have fathers that are criminals and mothers that are nurses.

teen pregnancy • Both found themselves pregnant as teenagers. While Stephanie gave her baby up for adoption, Sloane had an abortion.

locked incentives (abilities) acrobatics
computer hacking
hand-to-hand combat
genius level intellect
martial arts
stick fighting
tactical analysis

locked incentives (items) collapsible bo staff
eskrima sticks
grapple gun
utility belt
various projectiles
spoiler costume
batgirl costume
robin costume

locked incentives (memories) memories of stephanie brown/spoiler
memories of bat family

Point of Canon
Stephanie Brown is pulled from New Earth and Prime Earth.
education boston university
• bachelor of science in criminal justice (2008-2012)
• master of criminal justice (2013-2014)
• juris doctor in law (2015-present)

facts • An avid runner. She ran cross country and track and field in high school and received a partial athletic scholarship to run cross country for Boston University. She has run countless 5K races, several half marathons, and ran her first marathon in 2016.

• Has been in very few serious relationships. She tends to be attracted to one-night stands, friends with benefits situations, and casual dates. If she finds that she or the guy she's involved with has started to get attached, she cuts off all contact.

• Very close to her mother. They talk or text nearly every day and have a standing lunch date every Saturday at the hospital where her mother works.

• Extremely tall. At 6′ 1″, she had a growth spurt at thirteen and quickly towered over all the other students in her grade. It used to be something she was very self-conscious about but she's started embracing her height in the last few years although she still very rarely wears heels or short skirts.


father: aiden bennett
58 years old. criminal.
mother: christine bennett
45 years old. nurse.

class schedule (spring '18) LAW JD 899: Criminal Trial Practice II / Prosecutors
      • M/W, 8:30am-4:30pm
LAW JD 837: Wrongful Convictions and the US Criminal Justice System (S)
      • T, 6:30pm-9:30pm
LAW JD 899: Criminal Trial Practice II
      • Th, 4:20pm-6:20pm